Men's Dating + Intimacy Coach
Have you ever looked at
happy couples and thought,
"Why not me?"
Nobody teaches us this stuff in school.
If you are like most men, you were probably left to learn what it takes to date and be with an intimate partner through depictions in movies, porn, and the media.
It shouldn't be so hard to find an awesome girlfriend.
You’ve probably experienced rejection more times than you can count and don’t know how to make it stop hurting.
Or maybe you haven’t even gotten there because shyness or anxiety got in the way of trying.
Figuring out how to connect with someone has been a messy process of trial and error, mistakes and hurt feelings, and by now you may be acting out a role you subconsciously learned to play, and not really showing up as yourself in the process.
You thought that being a good guy would be enough, but here you are, no longer a kid, still trying to have success in love and sex.
Modern dating is the worst.

It is not too late.
A life of love is totally
possible for you.

Client Love

Hello there!
I'm Erika Davian
I have seen too many good men sell themselves short. Too often, it’s some of the kindest men with the most love to give who I see sitting on the sidelines, when it is exactly these men the world needs as partners, husbands, and fathers.
I like to say I am changing the world one boyfriend at a time.
I use my training as a Certified Life Coach and in Surrogate Partner Therapy to help men with some, little, or no romantic experience approach dating in a whole new way that gets them unstuck and on the path to love.
My clients are typically 25-50 years old, with a lot of love to give and looking for someone to share it with long term.